Police and Peers Program Success Growing with Support from Moodr Health

Police and Peers Program Success Growing with Support from Moodr Health

We are so excited to share news and updates from the main divisions of our organization – Peer Recovery, Housing, and Behavioral Health. Each one of these branches plays a crucial role in accomplishing our mission of providing premier clinical and supportive services to individuals affected with substance use disorders (SUDs) and other mental health conditions. We hope that you find the impact that our organization is having in West Virginia to be a source of hope and inspiration.

October 2024 Newsletter

October 2024 Newsletter

We are so excited to share news and updates from the main divisions of our organization – Peer Recovery, Housing, and Behavioral Health. Each one of these branches plays a crucial role in accomplishing our mission of providing premier clinical and supportive services to individuals affected with substance use disorders (SUDs) and other mental health conditions. We hope that you find the impact that our organization is having in West Virginia to be a source of hope and inspiration.